Change Heroes Campaign
Nikolas Abrarpour
Chaz Agrillo
Breanna Arsenault
Amanda Aucoin
Felicia Aucoin
Tiana Babigian
Dan Buonomo
PJ Centofanti
Tom Clancy
Wesley Cosby
Anthony Creonte
Michael Cushera
John Cushera
Robert Digiovine
Stephanie Ducas
Justin Gauvin
Don Hopkins
Steve Hopkins
Ed Kelly
Brian Kennen
Mike Kennen
Craig Mantey
Jeff McCarthy
Brett McCue
Mike Merrifield
Anthony Mula
Christian Mula
Ryan Mula
Vincent Mula
Dj Nurse
Jamie Oliveri
Heather Ross
Stacey Siannas
Sean Smith
Erin Stanton
A massive thank you to each and every one of you who supported this project.
A newly constructed schoolhouse in the village of Ngosuani that will educate roughly 1,000 students over the next 10 years.
Ngosuani is a community situated in Lemek, a sub-location within the Ololunga Division of Narok South District of Kenya.
More Information on WE Charity
Video and photography work by the amazingly talented Darcy Turenne.